Just before I left Tucson to travel back to Milwaukee my knee became painful because of cysts I have on my Miniscus. Went to an Urgent Care while visiting friends in Anthem, AZ. The doctor gave me enough pain medication to get me home. I traveled cross country with my new friend . . . my cane. We stayed in Springfield, Mo and while there I came down with a digestive disorder. I wasn't sure if I had food poisoning so went to an Urgent Care. I didn't have food poisoning thank God! What I found out is that people are wonderful . . . all across the country. Very caring and helpful. I know some day I will laugh about all this but I am not quite there .. yet.
Within two days of being home I came down with a Cold and am now getting better from that. Because of this, it taken me a long time to get settled in here at home. Now, not being a patient person, I am getting very frustrated with this. So, I guess I need to work on accepting life on life's terms and kow that "this too shall pass!".
Plus, I have not been to a meeting since April 2. This is the longest time I have gone without going to a meeting in the 35 years I have been sober. I celebrated my 35th AA birthday on April 19 and I was so looking forward to celebrating with my home group. I was going to go last night but decided I would stay home and keep my germs to myself. When I am well I will go and bring my cookies and celebrate then. In the mean time I am having telephone meetings and now blogging.
I am so thankful for the program! For, it has given me the tools to face and deal with life in all of it's aspects. I have been able to take the goings on of the last weeks pretty much in stride.