From my 1880s meditation book: "When we do our work in the great present...we are like to Him with whom there is no past or future...We walk without fear, full of hope and courage and strength to do His will, waiting for the endless good which He is always giving as fast as He can get us able to take it in." G. Mc Donald .....sent by 12 Step Jan
To our Readers: If you would like to share an inspirational thought or a saying that perked your ears at a meeting and helped your recovery, please send it to .

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Warm and Cozy

Thanks to the AA program and the folks who help me learn to live it, I don't have to search for entries to my gratitude list today, which happens to be the same list that I'd read to Santa Claus.

I am warm and cozy this Christmas morning wrapped in the knowledge that I'm okay, that I'm not alone, that recovery is happening, that at least for the moment, I'm not fighting anything or anyone and that I don't need a single thing not already in my possession.

So, happy holidays, my fellow travelers!
From this fluffy bluebird at a snowy North Rim, and me.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


The Richfield Wednesday 8:15 p.m. meeting celebrates its 12th anniversary on Dec. 9th, and we will have a birthday party with cake & ice cream on Wednesday, Dec. 15th. All friends are invited!

Thank you for helping me stay sober today.