From my 1880s meditation book: "When we do our work in the great present...we are like to Him with whom there is no past or future...We walk without fear, full of hope and courage and strength to do His will, waiting for the endless good which He is always giving as fast as He can get us able to take it in." G. Mc Donald .....sent by 12 Step Jan
To our Readers: If you would like to share an inspirational thought or a saying that perked your ears at a meeting and helped your recovery, please send it to .

Monday, January 26, 2009

Welcome to our Blog

Welcome to our blog! During the writing of our recently published book, Hoot 'n Gin, a memoir composed of letters we wrote to each other in the heat of the first five years of our recovery from alcoholism, we realized after we pared the tome down from 750 pages to a more manageable 300 or so, that we had to cut out some great stuff that the world was probably dying to read. More importantly, in our research for publication we found that there still is a lot of unnecessary misunderstanding about Alcoholics Anonymous, and even suspicion about its mystique, which the program may call upon itself by its policy of anonymity and refusal to advertize, believing in a policy of attraction rather than promotion. We hope by various museings on how AA and the Twelve Steps continues to be meaningful through nearly 3 decades of our recovery, and by inviting friends in the program to add their own experiences that we may dispell some of that suspicion and encourage a renewed look at a program that continues to offer longterm sobriety to millions worldwide.

  1. Anyone who wants to hear more about our book, HOOT 'N GIN.
  2. Longtime members of AA who would like to share how the program remains pertenant.
  3. AA members who have been around long enough to share some hope.
  4. New members of AA who are still hurting but have begun to find some hope.
  5. Those who have been sent to AA and wonder how it can possibly help them.
  6. People working with alcoholics, possibly sending them to AA, yet wondering what's up?
  7. Family members who really have questions.

It is a place to muse, ask questions of AA members, and to share experiences. We are not here to diagnose, only to share how it was for us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great idea for a blog! I look forward to reading the comments and will probably put my "two cents" in occasionally.
Kathie S.