From my 1880s meditation book: "When we do our work in the great present...we are like to Him with whom there is no past or future...We walk without fear, full of hope and courage and strength to do His will, waiting for the endless good which He is always giving as fast as He can get us able to take it in." G. Mc Donald .....sent by 12 Step Jan
To our Readers: If you would like to share an inspirational thought or a saying that perked your ears at a meeting and helped your recovery, please send it to .

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Monkey Wrench

"Monkey Wrench". I don't know what it is but the "God Of My Understanding" has thrown one into my life.
Wednesday night I came home from my meeting and was sitting on the couch. When I got up I experienced the most severe pain in my knee. I had had this a year ago and was diagnosed with a Baker's Cyst. It was back. So, here I am keeping compression and heat on it. I am keeping it elevated and use a cane to get around.
We are leaving in one week to drive cross country. We have a lot of packing to do and here I am laid up. I really feel sorry for myself at times . Would you like to come to my "Pity Party"? But the program teaches me to accept life on life's terms. In the beginning the "Serenity Prayer" was my mantra. I said it over and over and over again. I am in a period of grace and have accepted my situation. My only concern is the drive cross country but right now all I have to focus on is today. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Thank God for AA and the 12 Steps!

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