From my 1880s meditation book: "When we do our work in the great present...we are like to Him with whom there is no past or future...We walk without fear, full of hope and courage and strength to do His will, waiting for the endless good which He is always giving as fast as He can get us able to take it in." G. Mc Donald .....sent by 12 Step Jan
To our Readers: If you would like to share an inspirational thought or a saying that perked your ears at a meeting and helped your recovery, please send it to .

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Life's Unexpected Challenges

Just before I left Tucson to travel back to Milwaukee my knee became painful because of cysts I have on my Miniscus. Went to an Urgent Care while visiting friends in Anthem, AZ. The doctor gave me enough pain medication to get me home. I traveled cross country with my new friend . . . my cane. We stayed in Springfield, Mo and while there I came down with a digestive disorder. I wasn't sure if I had food poisoning so went to an Urgent Care. I didn't have food poisoning thank God! What I found out is that people are wonderful . . . all across the country. Very caring and helpful. I know some day I will laugh about all this but I am not quite there .. yet.
Within two days of being home I came down with a Cold and am now getting better from that. Because of this, it taken me a long time to get settled in here at home. Now, not being a patient person, I am getting very frustrated with this. So, I guess I need to work on accepting life on life's terms and kow that "this too shall pass!".
Plus, I have not been to a meeting since April 2. This is the longest time I have gone without going to a meeting in the 35 years I have been sober. I celebrated my 35th AA birthday on April 19 and I was so looking forward to celebrating with my home group. I was going to go last night but decided I would stay home and keep my germs to myself. When I am well I will go and bring my cookies and celebrate then. In the mean time I am having telephone meetings and now blogging.
I am so thankful for the program! For, it has given me the tools to face and deal with life in all of it's aspects. I have been able to take the goings on of the last weeks pretty much in stride.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Thoughts at Bright Angel Trail

Recently our daughter-in-law took an overnight solo hike into the Grand Canyon. She had planned it for a year as a personal celebration of turning 40. (Or, perhaps thumbing her nose at it.) She has been training for the adventure and is in great shape. She started out down the Kaibob Trail on a Saturday morning and Michael and his daughter and I met up with my son and our granddaughter at the Canyon that afternoon. We talked and laughed, had dinner together, and enjoyed each other's company, and arose the next morning anxious to greet the ambitious hiker.
As I ambled down the beginning of the Bright Angel trail hoping to get a photo of her triumphant return I was filled with gratitude that the program has not only given us the tools to repair family relationships and be welcome at such an event, but also has taught me how to get out of my self absorption and feel a genuine joy in another's acomplishments. I smiled my thanks to that awesome expanse.

Accepting Life On Life's Terms

Sometimes life presents us with situations that challenge us. On April 8th I left Tucson, AZ for my trip home. I had been having problems with my knee and I didn't know how I was going to make the trip cross-country because I was in so much pain. I met good AA friends, my sponsor, in Anthem, AZ for coffee. Right across the way was an Urgent Care Center. I figured I had had enough denial and made the decision to go, with my sponsor, and see about my knee. I knew they couldn't do much being what it is. They did give me enough pain medication to get me home along with an anti-inflammatory. Monday I see my Othoped. My knee hasn't changed so it will be interesting what he will say. My worst fear is that I will need surgery. If so, I must step up to the plate putting denial aside and do what needs to be done.
On Monday while in Springfield, MO I got sick with intestinal problems and wound up in another Urgent Care facility. It has taken until today, Friday, for me to totally recover. Putting my denial aside, I finally got in the flow of my life journey and accepted life on life's terms. Even with these challenges things just flowed and I didn't get all whigged out about these situations. So, I guess I have learned something at the tables over the many years I have been in the program.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Young herons and other birds of a feather

This young blue heron reminds me of kinda how I got sober. I kept going to meetings and drinking inbetween, but you AA's were attracting me to the edge with your"Come on in; the water's fine." Finally, (I think somebody pushed me) I got both feet wet. With about as much poise as this guy, but also with the breeze beneath my new wings, I left alcohol behind and began a wonderful new life
with the help of god, the program and the fellowship.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Monkey Wrench

"Monkey Wrench". I don't know what it is but the "God Of My Understanding" has thrown one into my life.
Wednesday night I came home from my meeting and was sitting on the couch. When I got up I experienced the most severe pain in my knee. I had had this a year ago and was diagnosed with a Baker's Cyst. It was back. So, here I am keeping compression and heat on it. I am keeping it elevated and use a cane to get around.
We are leaving in one week to drive cross country. We have a lot of packing to do and here I am laid up. I really feel sorry for myself at times . Would you like to come to my "Pity Party"? But the program teaches me to accept life on life's terms. In the beginning the "Serenity Prayer" was my mantra. I said it over and over and over again. I am in a period of grace and have accepted my situation. My only concern is the drive cross country but right now all I have to focus on is today. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Thank God for AA and the 12 Steps!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Sunrises and Potatoes

I used to often get up on my roof and watch the sun rise from behind Pusch Ridge. Its position showed me the changing year.
Now, I'm content to sit on the porch and enjoy the "new day" awakening.
Aha on the potatoes that are not opening their buds. The people at the seed potato farm told me that not all plants bloom, that buds are fragile and easily blown off, and most importantly, that blooming (or not) doesn't affect the crop.
What does all this have to do with AA? Well, for one thing, thanks to the program I didn't dig up the potato plants, and for another, I no longer have to climb onto the roof to watch a sunrise. I can do it the easier softer way.