From my 1880s meditation book: "When we do our work in the great present...we are like to Him with whom there is no past or future...We walk without fear, full of hope and courage and strength to do His will, waiting for the endless good which He is always giving as fast as He can get us able to take it in." G. Mc Donald .....sent by 12 Step Jan
To our Readers: If you would like to share an inspirational thought or a saying that perked your ears at a meeting and helped your recovery, please send it to .

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Stress, Anxiety And "Stinking Thinking"

I went to my meeting last night and talked about this subject and felt better about it all by the time I left the meeting. As the saying goes "You are only as sick as the secrets you keep.". But, here it is morning and the same stress and anxiety is back.
I am an artist, a gift I never developed when I was drinking. I was such a perfectionist that I wouldn't do "anything" because I knew I couldn't do it "perfectly". I can no longer measure my success by the standards of the world. Today, I am a success because I am doing whatever it is. I have become "effort oriented and not "results oriented". My perfectionism when I was drinking was crippling but because of the Program I, today, can do things. I have had some success in my career as an artist. I have sold enough paintings to cover my expenses . . . some years. (They don't call us starving artist's for nothing.)
Today, I am getting paintings ready to ship to a gallery in Wisconsin where I live and am waiting news of my being accepted (or not) into a gallery here in Tucson. It is the first time in my career as an artist that I have had two things going simultaneously.
Now, you might ask why I am blogging about this? Because I am anxious about both situations and my negative thinking is driving me nuts! Will the gallery in Wisconsin like my paintings? Will I get accepted into the gallery here in Tucson? What if they don't? What if I don't get accepted? And, round and round and round my thoughts go. I think it is what we call "stinking thinking"! I am also walking around saying the slogans . . . "Let go and let God!" and the Promises: "We will soon realize God is doing for us what we can't do for ourselves." and "We will do the next right thing and leave the outcome to God." and, "We will intuitively know how to handle situations that used to baffle us." And, I am talking about it with you. I feel like a war is going on in my head. Right now the "stinking thinking" is winning. But, I will keep doing what I am doing because I know the Program works.
The program of Alcoholics Anonymous, in addition to keeping me sober, is a program for living. In it are all the solutions to whatever problems and challenges I might encounter in life. Right now I am saying to myself that this what I must do is . . . apply the 12 Steps to these situations. 1. "Admit I am powerless over whether I get into the gallery here in Tucson and I am powerless over whether the gallery in Wisconsin actually likes my paintings once they see them in person. 2. "Came to believe that a power greater than myself will restore me to sanity (right thinking and anxiety-free.)". and 3. "Make a decision to turn my life (and art) over to the care of God as I understand Him."
I am also saying the "Serenity Prayer" over and over. " . . . accept the things I cannot change." I can't control either of these situations " . . . courage to change the things I can." The bottom line is my attitude. And, " . . . the wisdom to know the difference."
I think, or should say I know, what I am suffering from is fear and insecurity. I need to focus on the "present moment" and take it "One day at a time." Things will turn out. Maybe not the way I want but the way they are supposed to be.
There, thanks for helping me feel better about these situations and I will let you know what happens.

1 comment:

kathies said...

Thank you for writing this blog about your struggling with fear. I don't feel as unique as I did earlier this morning, when I, too, awoke with anxiety that had temporarily left sometime during my Friday night meeting. It seems to come when I'm not looking and leave when I'm giving it no attention...hmmmm.

Something that always gives me relief is truly listening to another person. I just cannot do that and listen to myself at the same time. It's kind of like that bit about praying for someone I'm annoyed with. I can't wish them well and seek "revenge" in the same moment. So...reading your blog and writing this comment have bought me some time away from self.